Women's Self-Defense

JLBJJ offers Women's Only Self-Defense Classes and Seminars. These classes are open to all women interested in self-defense, fitness or competition training. It is designed to provide a comfortable and safe environment for women of all abilities to come together and reach their individual goals! 

The self-defense seminar we held for the community was a huge success! We were happy to give back to the community by doing additional classes throughout October and November!

Women’s Wednesday’s will be back in full swing starting in January 2022! In an effort to condense the techniques necessary to defend yourself, we will be continuing these classes in a curriculum based 8 week course. Commit to these 8 weeks and become empowered and confident in your ability to defend yourself or others near you. Your typical New Years Resolution will not be able to give you a lifetime of knowledge in addition to the temporary workout. Get motivated and enjoy the fun with a friend or family member. These classes are fun and full of laughs, so don’t be intimidated by the strength of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Our Women’s classes are specifically made to accommodate all types of women!

Contact us to find out more or to register for the course. | jloughbjj@gmail.com | 703-728-5104 | Please leave a message for Kristi and she will return your call in a timely manner.

The cost for the 8 week course is $160 per person. Sign up with your friend or family member and save! The first 10 people to register will get $60 off! Invest $100 into yourself and find your empowered self! The course is preferred to be done as a whole, however we do welcome those that are only available occasionally. The cost per class is $40, if purchased individually. It’s not only a great deal being offered to the first 10 ladies signing up for the 8 week course, it’s an opportunity you don’t want to miss out on. The seminar we offered filled to capacity within 24 hours.

Understanding the value of jiu jitsu is critical. We are offering this class at a significant discount in order to continue giving back to our community how we can. The news is filled with concerning reports and we want to be here to help the women around us!

Womens Wednesdays 5-6pm | Upcoming Calendars:

Here is an old video from a self-defense seminar we did for a small group in Loudoun County called Moms Run This Town.